Ch Just Coffee Amaranth Like a Magic

Great news for my boy Amaranth – Ch Just Coffee Amaranth Like a Magic! 
12.12.2015 on the International Dog Show in Sofia, Bulgaria he got Excellent, CAC, CACIB, BOB and BOG under judge Dragan Janic /SRB/. With this he fulfill all the requirements for the title International Champion. Congratulations for his breeder and co-owner Ekaterina Simeonova!
Amaranth’s daughter Beki – JCh Dalmagic Back in Black got Excellent, CAC and CACIB in intermedia class! Congratulations to her breeders Aleksandra Staykova Ivanova, Tsvetelina Dimcheva and co-owner Весела петрова!



Divalinor Coffee Cake

Colour: White/Liver
Рег. № PK 04704/05
Pодено/Born: 17.05.2005
Баща/Sire: Int Bg Mk SCG Ro Ch Bg JCh Bad & Mad Serbian Sensation in Raul
Майка/Dame: Ch. Sweet Emotion Panthera Unica
Производител/Breeder: Dimitar Stanchev, kennel Divalinor, BG
Cобственик/Owner: Екатерина Симеонова/Ekaterina Simeonova
Адрес/Address: Bulgaria, Plovdiv
Tел./Phone: +359 899 818 379



Bad & Mad Serbian Sensation in Raul

Colour: White/Black
Рег. № PK 02482/03
Pодено/Born: 28.09.2002
Баща/Sire: WW’02 EW’03 BOB Cruft’s’02 ECDCW’03 Int Multi Ch Spotnik’s Special Selection
Майка/Dame: Ch T-Cart Made by Love
Производител/Breeder: K. & N. Malovic, kennels BAD & MAD and RAUL, CZ
Cобственик/Owner: Elena Neycheva, kennel Spotmaniac, BG
Адрес/Address: България, 1404 София жк. Гоце Делчев, бл. 3б/ Bulgaria 1404 Sofia, jk. Gotse Delchev, bl.3b
Tел./Phone: +359 898 714 296


Perdita’s All My Tomorrows

Colour: White/Black

Рег. № PK 10705/08

Pодено/Born: 13.06.2008

Баща/Sire:Perdita’s Right On Time

Майка/Dame: N UCH Perdita’s Did It Again

Производител/Breeder: Kari Ditlefsen, kennel Perdita, Norway

Cобственик/Owner: Димитър Чавдаров/Dimitar Chavdarov

Адрес/Address: България, 4000 Пловдив, ул. Славянска 44/Bulgaria, 4000 Plovdiv, 44, Slavianska Str.

Tел./Phone: +359 888 608 425

Divalinor I Am A Hero

Colour: White/Liver

Рег. № PK 16734/11


Баща/Sire:Divalinor Here I Go Again

Майка/Dame: Sweet Emotion Panthera Unica

Производител/Breeder: Dimitar Stanchev, kennel Divalinor, Bulgaria

Cобственик/Owner: Vladimir Lafazanski

Адрес/Address: гр. Балчик, жк. Балик, бл. 31, вх. А, ет. 4, ап. 11

Tел./Phone: +359897945061


Divalinor Firestarter

Colour: White/Liver

Рег. № PK 12216/09


Баща/Sire:Caprilli’s Glenmorangie

Майка/Dame: Sweet Emotion Panthera Unica

Производител/Breeder: Димитър Станчев/Dimitar Stanchev, kennel Divalinor, Bulgaria

Cобственик/Owner: Tanya Toshkova & Alexandra Ivanova

Адрес/Address: България, София

Tел./Phone: +359 888 353 497


Caprilli’s Glenmorangie

Colour: White/Black

Рег. № PK 08140/07


Баща/SireInt., Multi Ch. Rocca Al Mare Congregare

Майка/DameJilloc’s Fancy Me At Millview

Производител/Breeder: Stephanie Yates, kennel Caprilli, UK

Cобственик/Owner: Таня Арангелова/Tanya Arangelova

Адрес/Address:България, 4004 Пловдив, ул. Коматевско шосе 36/Bulgaria, 4004 Plovdiv, 36, Komatevsko shoes Str.

Tел./Phone: +359 887 931 356


Sweet Emotion Panthera Unica

Colour: White/Liver

Рег. № PK03365/04

Pодено/Born: 30.04.2003

Баща/Sire: Int. Multi Ch. T-Cart Man of Gold

Майка/Dame: FortunadiGarbi Tho

Производител/Breeder: GregorNemanic

Cобственик/Owner: DimitarStanchev


Tел./Phone: +359 889 816 467


INT CH Divalinor Have A Spell

Colour: White/Black

Рег. № PK 14232/10


Баща/Sire:Perdita’s All My Tomorrows

Майка/Dame: Timanka’s Rainbow Diva

Производител/Breeder: Димитър Станчев/Dimitar Stanchev, kennel Divalinor, Bulgaria

Cобственик/Owner: Tsvetelina Doychinova, Bulgaria

Адрес/Address:София, ул. Криволак 10

Tел./Phone: +359 887 551505356


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